Office survival guide

Whether you work in corporate, government, university, school, McDonalds, or White House, if you have a boss you report to, you need some shortcuts and strategies to survive the stint. If you work for yourself, you have the customers who’re judging you. The rules are same.

1. Be the early bird. If you are at your desk before your boss, you have the first mover advantage and you can leave before them. Nothing turns on a boss than seeing their supervisee come before them. So they can’t complain if you finish before they do.

If you work at a place with different start times or flexi work, always let them know when you clock on and off.

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The art of shutting up

There are many reasons I’ve learnt to keep my mouth shut while the mind is still running a non stop commentary. Some learn this skill way too young, some wise are born with it, I was unfortunate enough to have been born with a mouth I couldn’t control (yes, I’m an Aquarian) and to not have cared about its consequences. So the image I still carry is of the one who can tell anyone off anytime and people are scared of me. Good.

But honesty isn’t working. It never does. So i thought of giving ‘minding my own business ‘ a shot. It works wonders and I’d recommend it to everyone. Here’s why.

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And then they presented ‘The Bat’ – The Ultimate Killing Champion!!

Every time I use it, my amazement multiplies. Of the all the things I have used so far, seen people use or ever heard of, this is by far the best and it gives such a yeah! relief!!

I know I am a bit slow when it comes to awareness –  whether it is the it’s-a-must-read books,  in-trend-must-have stuff, top chart how-did-you-not vanish-without listening-to-this hits, how-are-you-still-alive-if-you-did-not-see-this movies, or you-don’t-deserve-to-exist-when-you-don’t-know this – I’m like one of the last people to know!! 😮
Okay, the point is not that. The point is about this amazing invention which I din’t know existed since 1996 until a few minutes back when I thought of writing this post…and googled.

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